Sunday, March 15, 2009

RéAnna's first talk: "God has a name"

RéAnna had her first public talk in the Ministry School. It was entitled "God has a name". She did such an awesome job! I'm so glad that there's just some things she gets!

For those that couldn't see it -b/c you live over 500 miles away:-( - here's her outline. (BTW, I was her householder. Her setting was witnessing to her music teacher at school. She was working on the first point of counsil: Accurate Reading.)

R-Hey Mrs. Hurt.

M-Hello RéAnna. We missed you at the winter play last night. What happened to ya?

R-Oh. Well, on Tuesday nights my family tries to do our family worship together.

M-What does that mean, ‘family worship’?

R-It’s where we all sit down and study subjects that are in the bible and learn about Jehovah.

M-Oh, okay. You know, if you don’t mind my asking, why is it that you always Him that? I mean no offense, but why don’t you just call Him "God" or "Lord".

R-Actually, I’m not offended at all. I’m glad you asked me that question because we just talked about his name a little bit last night and I wrote a few things down that I wanted to remember… One of the points made was that there are scriptures in the bible that tell us that God named the angels, he named the stars, Adam and Eve, and he even gave Adam the job of naming the animals. You can read that for yourself at Genesis 2:19.

M-reads Genesis 2:19 - 19 Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name.

R-So, do you think that it would make sense that God would probably have a name too?

M-I don’t know… It’s God. Does He need a name? He knows who He is.

R-Do you think that God has feelings like we do?

M-Sure. I think He gets mad and feels love and joy. I do know that we were made in His likeness.

R-You know, the other day I saw my first grade teacher at Walmart and she didn’t remember my name, and I was kinda bummed out. How do you feel when someone that you haven’t seen for awhile remembers your name?

M-I do feel kinda special. Okay, I see your point.

R-We also talked about a scripture at Isaiah 42:8. Would you like to read that?

M-reads Isaiah 42:8- "I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images. Hmmm. I don’t ever remember reading that.

R-I’m also sure you’re familiar with the Lord’s Model Prayer. Let’s look at it again… Matthew 6:9.

M-reads Matt 6:9-"YOU must pray, then, this way: "‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

R-I learned that here Jesus is telling us that God wants us to know He has a name and that we should tell others His name…

M-Well thank you for sharing what you’ve learned with me.

R-That‘s no problem. I probably should be getting to class, but I did want you to know that I have a magazine at home that talks all about God’s name, Jehovah. It will help you look in your own bible and see what His name is and why a lot of bibles don‘t use His name in them. I could bring it to you tomorrow if you’d like.

M-I most definitely would. That’d be great! Thank you, RéAnna.

This was actually based on a discussion that RéAnna had with our neighbor. We catered it to fit her assignment. She was awesome! Did I already say that?

1 comment:

  1. "Dear ReAnna, What a wonderful talk. I am so proud of the witness for Jehovah that you are becoming. Love You Nana"
