Sunday, March 15, 2009

No more tubes! No more balls!

Well, we finally did it. Something we've longed for over the last 7 months! We got the kitties and pups fixed! Finally! Now, here lies the true test... Will they calm the friggin' heck down?! Well, it's only been about 3 days and so far not a big change. Their stitched and incisions look awful. I feel terrible for all of them, really. The female cats were placed on a hallucinogen so when they came to, Sophie (my sweet, loveable, kind kitty) was mad at the entire world! Not to mention she couldn't walk a straight line, something she prides herself on. Lucy (whom we also coin as "Lucifer, the demon cat from hades"! She likes noone! Well, I take that back. RéAnna won't put up with her aggressive crap and forces her to like her and André never gives her the time of day and she seems to flock to his legs whenever he enters the room...) seemed very loveable. Weellll, it's all wore off and they're back to their normal selves. Sophie won't stop nursing on my blanket and Lucy attacks me every time I get too close. The pups on the other hand... They act as though nothing ever happened. I have to force them to settle down. Mostly, they sit in their cage (under the doc's suggestion) for the first 5-7 days. Well, hopefully they'll stop humping everything, including each other!

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