Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where the heart is...

Ohhhh. How I've longed through all of the winter and ice to recieve a bit of vitamin D through the most natural source available. And it's finally time to be able to enjoy it! The sun. I know it's only March 19th, but I'm already calling my grandmother for reminders on when to plant things. Last weekend we spent time trimming down rose-of-sharon and planting grass seed in the bare spots that the dogs dug up.

When we were gathering all of our yard debris, we spotted some debris that some kind neighbor relocated behind our privacy fence (which we have to keep clean in order for the city not to fine us!). Well, apparently there was some poison ivy in this heaping pile of someone else's laziness. Now, when it's blooming, I know just what to look for in the leaves and berries. When it's naked, it just all looks like crap to me. So, guess what we did... We took everything over to our friends' house and had a bonfire! Her dad came out when the fire was almost entirely gone and says, "Who brought all of the poison ivy?" AAAAAHHHHH!!!! My heart sank. We had all these people and ALL of us had kids. OMG! If any of them gets poison ivy internally, I will just die! He seemed to feel it looked "old". D@m& those people who left me their mess. OOOHHHH, you just wait. I do a lot of yard work Spring - Fall. I've got an incling as to whom it may be, b/c last year I was hanging laundry on the line and noticed my rose-of-sharon that's behind my privacy fence moving around. Then, I saw the old man that lives behind us walking to his house.... his yard all neat and crap. Well, I have TWO DOGS buddy! ...and "crap" is right! Anyway, guess what I have all over my arms and the creases of my elbows and my fingers! Yep, poison ivy! I don't think it came from when we burned it. It was when we were loading it all up in the truck to take over, I bet! André didn't get anything... Black people!

So, that story is actually a little off subject from what I wanted to right about (A.D.D. much?). My heart truly lies in the open road. OHHH how I long to visit my family out of state! I think I'm going to plan a two week road trip for this year, perhaps when André gets laid off. I don't know. I want to stop by Kentucky, first and visit André's Aunt Cleo (her middle name's Patra. Isn't that cool?) She lives in Louisville. She's much older that André's father (in her 80's) and we'd like to spend some time with her. Then, we have some of the DEAREST friends ever, that I miss so much, in Virginia. Kim and James and the girls. They are really our family more than friends! I forced Kim to be my friend and have been bugging her ever since! They have the most delicious girls around, Jada and Olivia. They left Ohio and went back to VA and we've seen them...twice. They only live 6 hours away (but the roads are so windy, I'm car sick every time we show up!).

Then, we have friends that live in North Carolina, Guy and Veda, who are always up for the company. I believe they just had their 3rd baby! Congrats!

But, our final and last stop will be where my heart has lied since I was 2... Where the humidity takes your breathe away and every beach you go to has a different color of sand. A place that, no matter where you go, has a man on the corner selling boiled peanuts! Aaaahhhh. Boiled Peanuts! The home of the Gators. Florida! My family lives in Jacksonville. Well, actually, McKlinney, but it's just a little town near Jacksonville. My favorite spot, though is St. Augustine! I'm not exactly sure what we're going to do this year b/c I'd really like to see the golf side. It's amazing how the difference is from one side to the other. We'll see. I'll have to do some research. Ugh! But, it'll be worth it!

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