Thursday, March 19, 2009

21 Things I'm going to try...

21 Things that I'm going to try...

1. Keep my voice low, even when I'm certain the only way anyone will hear me (or listen) is if I scream at them.
2. Pray. Not that I don't. I'm going to pray as if my life depended on it!(Which it does!) I need to truly depend on Him and make Jah my intimate friend.
3. Pick up my guitar again and stop making excuses!
4. Dare I say it.... think before I speak!
5. Laugh! Laugh when I'm alone. Laugh when I'm hurt. Laugh when I'm feeling unworthy, laugh (or at least smile) when I don't believe the compliments I'm given...
6. I'd like to have someone over for dinner that I would have never considered until now.
7. Breathe. All of this is going to end at some point. Good/bad. It'll all be gone. Enjoy. Learn. Breathe.
8. Try to be humble, really humble. Remember that in the face of complaint, I have it so much better than others that never asked for or deserve what they ended up with.
9. Love. In every aspect of the sense of the word. When others are angry, love.
10. Let go of pasts. It's like you taking poison and trying to watch someone else die. You're the one that it'll kill. It wastes too much time. You never get that back.
11. Don't worry. You know, no matter what we do to our kids, they still (for some reason) turn out okay. Pick my battles. Know that we're protected by a very big God!
12. Think pretty. Big girls are beautiful! Rolls are okay. Stretch marks are battle wounds of the 'play'ground, a beauty mark of the life we carried. Now, if I could just convince myself that's TRUE!
13. Just listen. Don't always offer advice. People don't always want to hear my stories that are similar to their tribulations. Sometimes people just wanna vent and feel as though they are the only ones on the planet that are experiencing their trials. They know they're not alone. They know what to do. They know the advice. Just listen.
14. Do things for myself. Not in a selfish way. Children need to see their folks enjoying life. In turn they enjoy one another. Just make what I'd like to eat sometimes. Write again! I used to write all day long. I loved everything. Poems, stories, agendas, ideas, thoughts...
15. Try a diet. Not "diet". Diet, meaning "lifestyle". I'd like to change my outlook on food. It really is just to fuel you throughout your day. It doesn't always have to be a form of art, enhancing the flavors, eating more, sampling everything, critiquing.
16. Let someone else teach me. Accept that I don't need to do everything. I don't need to teach others always. Stop being so independently stubborn. It's okay to learn something that I'm uncomfortable with and look like a fool.
17. Dance again. Try it. I used to love to dance. Then once I felt my husband smirk as I was dancing. Immediately I closed up. I only dance silly for my kids. Not seriously... I feel like I'm too big... I'm so afraid of proving the stereotypes true! Letigo!
18. Patience. I'll try it. Some say I have it. I don't see it!
19. I want to try to travel without a guide. Appreciate everything that I lay my eyes on, that I smell, that I taste. Be cautiously naive.
20. Talk to those I need to. Don't ignore them when they're really wanting to know. Don't push away... I know I'm a talker to most, but sometimes, to avoid conflict, those that I need to communicate with get silence.
21. Finally. I'd like to try trusting people. I do. I don't. Not just trusting them once. Trusting them always. Let stupid stuff go. Don't hold grudges. Wasted time.

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