We've adopted a kitten and named her Lucy. At 4 weeks old, her mommy (who is a stray) was hit by a car and left Lucy and her 3 siblings orphaned. So, it wasn't a difficult decision to welcome her into our family home! However, Lucy has become a demon cat from Hades. We call her Luci'fur'. She was such a sweet little thing. The first time I bathed her (she was a stray) she pierced my thumb with her tooth. OUCH!!! She ain't been right ever since. But, for some reason, I think it's histerical the way she keeps her distance and hisses at anyone her comes her way. She loves André, tho. I think it's b/c he never messes with her. I'd say it's b/c he's a man, but she doesn't care for Talon much... of course, that could be b/c of obvious reasons. He's Talon... She does like Ré most of the time. I like how Ré handles her. She just says, "Oh ,be quiet."
Here's Lu @ 4 weeks and Lu NOW!
Lucy is a very sweet kitten!