Friday, June 19, 2009

Bloggers Block...

Is there such a thing? If so, I'm signing on the dotted line. I have had such an eventful last week, yet really nothing to write about... You know, of interest to anyone but me. No one ever reads this thing anyways so, I'm only sorely attempting to sound interesting to myself... which is pretty much the story of my life- and in my mind is absolutely acceptable:-) PPLLLTTTHHH!

So, I suppose I could write something promising... like how I really think that Talon's going to get to enter first grade in the county school I've enrolled him in. It's a wonderful school that ReAnna attends. But, if not, I've decided to incorporate "self-education" myself, 'family learning' I like to call it. The term 'home schooling' is so 'THEM', ya know. Not that I'm anti-school, but what's the sense in utilizing the same terms that's for a broken system that someone else has glorified and failed to acknowledge it's flaws... Like the difference between schooling and learning. Again, I'm not ANTI-school. In fact, of my MANY career desires, I always held the yearning to teach. Now, my 'class size' is just 2, but ya never know...

Or I could write about something sad... like how my dearest friends just lost a close family member. Why should I care too much about THEIR family member? I mean it wasn't THEM, right. Well, one of the biggest reasons is that my friends are more kin to me than most of my 'blood family' and he got the freakin' "call" right in front of me. It's been a long time since I've seen a grown man fight back the grief of losing his only sister... or hugged a child that moaned in pain b/c she's not too sure how to handle losing her dear aunt...

Or I could write, once again, about my Talon and how he set off the security alarm today at PayLess! Claiming that as he used the restroom in the back he "couldn't find which way to go". Knuckle head. (You) think I'm joking? Anyone who knows us knows that's one of the LEAST things Talon has done or is capable of doing. Do you know how many times I've heard, "Oh honey, you can't come back behind the counter." or "That's okay, I'll mop it up." or "Don't climb on that, it's not sturdy." "Ma'am your son's hiding in the clothes rack." And Miss Dorothy, my elderly next door neighbor, "I see Talon come to the front to pee in the yard when ya'll are in back." Then there's my infamous question posed almost daily, "Talon. Where did you find that gum?" (If we're at a restaraunt, I know it came from under the table, but what about when we're not?...hhhmmm)
I swear (not really) I think that we all really worry too much about germs b/c my son's injested so many that his immune system's like a diaphram; vertually inpenatrable but when you think about it, disgusting! (Sigh!) My purse has become a carrying case for antibacterial "Talon-wear".

I could write a blog on my husband and his job. How he works building highways in the heat, rain, humidity, yada yada yada. No. That's crummy. If I write about him it needs to be about how we crack up at drunk people we see when we're attending our buddy's band playing. Or how I love his legs, they're built like a horse's, no lie. Or how our desires and likes are so different, but individually we're so awesome that we just like each other! (Yep. I'm pretty awesome... toot. toot. If I weren't me and I was someone else... I'd really like me! HA!) We always come together and are on the same page with most things that matter. But, I like celtic, he likes Run DMC. Oh, who am I kidding, I love 'em too! One minute Gaelic Storm, the next Guantanamera. Norah Jones to Jim Carey. Yep, Andre's (sigh) awesome...

Does anyone want to hear about Re's bodily functions? How she can pass gas out of any open orphas in her body and she has no limited supply. Though she's a girl, she'll kick your butt... We worried at one point that we'd get a call from a boy's mother that said 'our little girl' just socked their son b/c he told her she was pretty... hhmmm. Now she's showing signs of liking boys (of course most of them are in books- her most recent crush is Edward Cullin, of course. I wonder if I should tell her I just saw the previews for 'New Moon'. I went to see 'the Proposal'-freakin histerical- and it was one of the previews) and she loves that she's getting boobs. She calls them "mini-boobs". Then, we were over my in-laws house and Dad comes outside to make us aware that Re has just informed him that she has hair growing under her armpits... hhmmm. She thinks that little peach fuzz is "hair". Oh, just wait!

I need some ideas... I could post agendas or daily journal entries... recipes/dinners for the week... personal info, controversy... home life, world concerns... hhmmm. I'll think about it... Sorry to bore all the folks who don't look at this site anyways...

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